Car diagnostics step by stepOBD diagnostics

Car diagnostics step by step

OBD diagnostics without the use of devices OBD I diagnostics OBD II diagnostics The most common causes of DTC faults ECU Flashing and Mapping EVAP system Immobilizer Radio decoding Control Module or ECM/PCM repair Radovan MARI



After a great acceptance of previous two books "Automobile electronics & 4-stroke engines" and "Automobile technology", automobile technicians showed further interest for detailed explanation of vehicles diagnostics, usage of diagnostics equipment, interpretations of trouble codes, possibilities of ECU/ECM repair, etc. All this is explained in this new book “Car diagnostics”. With this third book, the theory of automobile mechanics, electrics and electronics on modern cars is generally covered. By mastering content of these three books, technicians will undoubtedly acquire basic knowledge to deal with most problems on automobiles.
Author Radovan Marin General Automobile Engineer British Institute of Engineering Technology Aldermaston College Reading, England
Reviewer Dr. sc. Darko Biljaković Editor and Graphic design Radovan Marin Publisher



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